What sustainability-related skills are needed for a successful green transformation?

What sustainability-related skills are needed for a successful green transformation? 2560 1426 ITCC

The Technical Workforce for a Sustainable Future is the fourth episode in the IEEE Technology Center for Climate (ITCC) webinar series Empowering The Green Tech Revolution: From Design to Deployment, co-organised by ITCC and Reuters Events on 14 December 2023, 14:00 CET I 08:00 EST, the webinar looked at the skills and profiles emerging and needed for a net zero future, and the way this impacts industry, policy, education and training.


  • Mattias Larsen, Industrial Development Expert, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • Oriol Margo, Sustainability Transformation Lead EMEA, Kimberly-Clark
  • John P. Verboncoeur, Vice President IEEE Technical Activities / Research Dean, Michigan State University
  • Cordelia Thielitz, Vice President, Strategy Operations Europe, Schneider Electric
  • Moderator: Christine Diamente, Managing Director, Business Transformation, BSR

Survey on The Technical Workforce for a Sustainable Future

The following questions were asked to participants in the Technical Workforce for a Sustainable Future webinar.
The survey ran from December 07-21. Thank you to those who participated in the survey.

Do you see a need for you to acquire new skills due to the green transformation? (153 votes)
Agree (I will need to upskill/reskill in the coming future) I Somewhat agree (I might need to upskill/reskill in the coming future )  I Disagree (my current role does not require upskill/reskill in the coming future)

Do you think that the workforce engaged in sustainability should have an understanding of technology, and the other way around (technologists should have an understanding of sustainability)? (154 votes)
Agree I Somewhat agree I Disagree

What is the current approach in your organisation to address the workforce needs for the green transition? (149 votes)
Different teams working independently to address technical, sustainability and other relevant issues? (30%)  I Different teams working together to address technical, sustainability and other relevant issues (27%)  I Multi-disciplinary teams with a mix of technical, environmental and other skills (43%)