The Practical and Scalable Implementation of a Circular Economy is the fifth episode in the IEEE Technology Center for Climate (ITCC) webinar series Empowering The Green Tech Revolution: From Design to Deployment. The event was co-organised by the IEEE Technology Center for Climate (ITCC) and Reuters Events on 24 January 2024, 14:00 CET I 08:00 ET. The webinar looked at efforts currently underway by policy makers, industry and consumers to support the transition to a circular economy.
- Holger Berg, Vice Director of the Circular Economy Division, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
- Natalia Lopez, Senior Manager, Sustainable Supply Chain, Circular Economy, PWC
- Matteo Magnani, Senior Policy Analyst, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
- Maike Luiken, IEEE Planet Positive 2030 Chair, IEEE
- Kim Matsoukas, Director of Sustainability, Coach
- Moderator: Dr. David Greenfield, Vice President, Circular Economy Institute (CEI)
Survey on The Practical and Scalable Implementation of a Circular Economy
The following questions were asked to participants in The Practical and Scalable Implementation of a Circular Economy webinar. The survey ran from 12-31 January. Thank you for your participation in the survey.
Do you already see changes to product life cycles in your industry as it moves towards a circular economic model? (377 votes)
Yes I Partially I No

Do you think products/product life cycles will need to be technically redesigned for the implementation of a circular economy? (376 votes)
Agree (all materials and processes will need to be redesigned)I Somewhat agree (only some materials and processes will need to be redesigned) I Disagree (there is no need to adapt materials or processes)

What is currently the key driver for a transition to a circular economy? (379 votes)
RegulationI Corporate responsibility I Consumers I A combination of these drivers